The output for preinstalled global packages included with version 7.1.0 when installed into C:\Octave is: If you followed the installation directions above, you can display a list of packages by typing the command below at the Octave command prompt: Alternatively, some pkg command options can force octave to try to use either the local or global packages.Ī selection of pre-built, Octave Forge packages is included with all versions of the official Windows release. The default is now to follow the same behavior on all platforms, and for all package updates and installations to apply to local or global package locations according to whether or not the user is running with Administrative privileges (on Windows, this is usually accomplished by running as an Administrator privileged account, or starting Octave with the "Run as Administrator" option). Octave versions for Windows prior to 6.1.0 defaulted to always making changes to global packages unless the user specified otherwise. Specific locations on your system can be found by typing the following commands at the Octave command line: (The \octave folder will be created during the first package install\update if it is not already present.) The global packages are stored in %OCTAVE_HOME%\mingw64\share\octave\packages\, and are available to all users on the machine. By default in Windows 10, local packages are located at C:\Users\%USERNAME%\octave\. Octave maintains a system-wide (or global) package list, and a user-specific (or local) package list. (Note that Octave does not automatically load installed packages, they must be manually loaded from within Octave by the user.) These packages can be installed and loaded using the built in package management program 'pkg'.
Like many software programs, Octave uses packages to optionally extend and modify its capability. The octave.bat file is still available in \mingw32\bin or \mingw64\bin, depending on the version of Octave installed, for use cases requiring it for startup.
For the current release, both 32-bit and 64-bit installers and zip archived packages (.zip and.
The easiest way to install GNU Octave on Microsoft Windows is by using MXE builds.